• Los Angeles County Independent Living Services


    Communities Actively Living Independent and Free
    634 South Spring Street, 2
    nd Floor
    Los Angeles, CA 90014
    Phone: (213) 627-0477


    The mission of Communities Actively Living Independent and Free (CALIF) is to achieve greater input, participation and control over policies and services especially those for people with disabilities. They address discrimination wherever it exists, encourage meaningful participation of persons with disabilities in mainstream activities that enhance the positive image and experience of disability, and provide the disability community with the following core services: housing advocacy, individual and benefits advocacy, personal assistance services advocacy, information and referral, peer counseling, independent living skills training, and assistive technology.

    Disabled Resources Center, Inc.
    2750 East Spring Street, Suite 100
    Long Beach, CA 90806
    Phone: (562) 427-1000


    Disabled Resources Center, Inc. (DRC) aims to empower people with disabilities to live independently in the community and to make their own decisions about their lives. The DRC provides assistive technology, benefits advocacy, employment services, group orientations, housing funding, independent living, personal assistance and workshops.

    Independent Living Center of Southern California (Lancaster Branch)
    1505 West Avenue J, Suite 102
    Lancaster, CA 93534
    Phone: (661) 942-9726


    The Independent Living Center of Southern California (ILCSC) is dedicated to providing the services that will offer the opportunity to seek an individual course towards independence – while educating the community. ILCSC services include Emergency Services, Housing Assistance, Advocacy, Information & Referral, Peer Support, Assistive Technology, Benefits Assistance, Vocational Training, Independent Living Skills, Job Placement/Coaching, Transition, Transportation, and Horticulture classes. Call for the ILCSC location in Van Nuys.

    Services Center for Independent Living (Claremont Branch)
    107 Spring Street
    Claremont, CA 91711
    Phone: (909) 621-6722


    Services Center for Independent Living (SCIL) works with people with disabilities in Los Angeles County. Services include: self-advocacy training, assistive technology, housing information, independent living skills training, peer counseling, personal care assistance, and information and referral about a variety of timely topics. Call for the SCIL location in West Covina.

    Westside Center for Independent Living
    12901 Venice Blvd.
    Los Angeles, CA 90066
    Phone: (310) 390-3611


    The Westside Center for Independent Living (WCIL) is dedicated to assisting persons with disabilities and seniors to achieve and maintain independent lives. This is accomplished with support services and training programs provided by their peers. Independent Living promotes self-determination, community living, full participation in community life and access to the same opportunities and resources available to people without disabilities. WCIL’s consumers are a diverse group of people of all ages and from all ethnic, cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds. They work together with persons living with any type of disability, including but not limited to: developmental, hearing, learning, mobility, physical, psychiatric, substance abuse, traumatic brain injury and visual disabilities.


    **For more brain injury resources near Los Angeles County- please see Kern County, Orange County, San Bernardino County, and Ventura County**

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